Dance Intention | Robin Youngblood

Dance Intention | Robin Youngblood 150 150 DTHTE
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The only thing we truly “own” and that we can give in return for the Abundance that Mother Earth gives to us, is our bodies. For that reason, we fast, dance, sing, drum and pray, giving ourselves fully to Spirit and the Tree of Life, in complete focus and devotion.
This Dance is about Restoring the Balance of Life – the Sacred Feminine and Masculine, in Respect, Honor and Healing for Mother Earth and All Our Relations.
It’s important to come with an attitude of humility, and a sincere desire to give of ourselves in sacrifice for all the ways that humans have desecrated the Earth.
We seek forgiveness for our human family; awareness of and connection with All Our Relations, in order to understand how we may better serve them.
The dance is a celebration of Life by honouring the Tree of Life.
~Grandmother Robin Youngblood
